Sunday 12 June 2016

Kaiash Mansarovar yatra (contd)

(Please read my blog dt 31 May 2016 to maintain continuity)
some more tips for this Holy Yatra
Who can undertake this yatra

  • Any healthy person upto age 70 years is eligible. Since you require chinese permit and visa,they insist that all indian citizens should be 70 yrs or below.
  •  It is advisable that persons having IHD, Hypertension, COPD, Bronchial Asthma, Joint pains, Obesity etc Must consult their respective physicians before undertaking this yatra.
  • Yatri having minor illness must carry their medicines required during yatra, since those medicines wont be available during yatra.
What to carry
  • Your tour operator will give you a list of articles to be carried.
  • A duffel bag, back pack, Warm jacket,water bottle is generally provided by tour operators. Check with your tour operator before leaving home and carry these things if not provided.
  • Carry woolens, thermal inner wears, wind cheaters, Monkey cap, Woolen socks, cotton socks, Thermos flask small,Torch, digital camera, video camera,trekking shoes, biscuits, dry fruits, snacks etc
  • Medicines you are taking plus Crocin, Cambiflam, Oraindazole, Augmentin, Ciprofloxacin, Band aid, crepe bandage, moove ointment, Sunscreen cream.
  • If you are interested in pooja after dip in Mansarovar please carry all pooja samigri like Havan, camphor, match box, aggarwati, desighee dipped cotton vicks, sandal wood samidhas, small haven kund, Mug plastic for bath in mansarovar if unable to take dip.There is no Pandit ji there unless one happens to be in your group. Otherwise pooja has to be done by your self.
There is No temple at either mansarovar or Kailash. You are supposed to take Holy dip for your self, your family members and ancestors in Mansarovar. Water is not very cold if you take dip in afternoons. Avoid marshy place for dip, select rocky area.Soap is not to be used. When taking dip bring small pebbles in your hand and carry them as souveniers for pooja at home.
  • Walk slowly and steadily during parikrama, dont isolate your self, preferably take pony during parikrama. Take rest in between, take warm water at frequent intervals during parikrama.
  • You can have Kailash darshan all along your first day parikrama till Derphuk. At deraphuk, you will have BEST darshan and you are face to face with Mount Kailash , You will forget all your tiredness once you have majestic view of Mount Kailash here. Enroute keep observing various mountains and you will surely see images of Ganesha, shiv ling, Hanuman ji, Nandiji on these hills.Keep observing and enjoying...the ultimate pilgrimage.
  • At Dera phuk, one can sit infront of imposing mount kailash, meditate and observe closely Mount Kailash, you may be able to have Darshan of lord of Lords LORD Shiva
    Golden Mount Kailash at Deraphuk

    Majestic Mansarovar with Mount Kailash in background

    Mount Kailash seen during ist day Parikrama

    Pehla Darshan Mount Kailash on road toMansarovar

    Ist Day Parikrama

    Mansarovar vast and beautiful

    Pooja after Holy Dip


  1. Wonderful experience! Having been there now I can appreciate your feelings even more.

  2. Wonderful experience! Having been there now I can appreciate your feelings even more.
