Saturday 19 September 2015

Brahama Kamal:A mythological flower

Brahma Kamal: The name of this flower  mean, 'the lotus of Bramha'. Lord Brahma, the creator of the Universe, is always depicted as sitting on a huge lotus and holding one in his hand. According to Hindu mythology, Brahma was born from the navel of Lord Vishnu while others say that he was born from a huge white lotus that we call the Brahma Kamal.
Also known as Life Giving Lotus: When Lord Shiva attached the head of an elephant on Ganesha' s body, he was bathed with water that was sprinkled from a Brahma Kamal. That is why this lotus is given the status of a live-restoring flower of the gods.

 This flower has many medicinal properties- Mysterious Wish Fulfilling flower: It is long held belief that anybody who sees this rare flower blooming will have all his or her wishes fulfilled. It blooms in the late evening and stays only for a couple of hours.
It is considered dear to Lord Vishnu. Brahma Kamal -the mythical white lotus, has dominated the imagination of mythological experts from generations. The Brahma Kamal is supposed to grow in the highest parts of the Himalayas and that holds true even today. This flower indeed grows in the Himalayan forests. It is indeed a miracle that this flower blooms also in Salunke vihar Pune & miraculously in our residence as well.

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