Thursday 13 August 2015

Chintamani Mandir Theur Pune

The Chintamani Mandir  Theur is a Hindu temple dedicated to Lord Ganesha, the God of wisdom. Located 25 km from Pune, the temple is "one of the larger and more famous" of the Ashtavinayaka, the eight revered shrines of Ganesha in the state of Maharashtra.

King Abhjit & queen Gunavati did penance for several years on advice of sage Vaishampayan & got a son named as Gana (Ganaraja.)
Ganaraja was brave & valorious. Once after his hunting expedition he came to Kapila Rishi's Ashram for taking rest. Sage Kapila welcomed Ganarajaand his army. King of gods Indra had given sage Kapila a jewel called Chintamani. With its help the sage fed the entire army with good food. Being impressed by the power of the jewel, greedy Ganaraja asked sage Kapila to give the jewel to him. When sage Kapila refused to give the jewel, Ganaraja took away from him by force.
Sage Kaplia was disappointed. He worship Lord Ganesha & in boom asked for the Chintamani. A battle occurred between Lord Ganesha & Ganaraja and in the end Lord Ganesha killed Ganaraja.
King Abhjit returned the Chintamani to sage Kapila. Sage Kapila worshipped Lord Ganesha. From that time Lord Ganesha was also called as Chintamani-Vinayaka. This village is also called as Kadamba Tirtha because the battle between Lord Ganesha & Ganaraja took place near Kadamba tree.

The  temple is believed to have existed since antiquity. The Chintamani Temple was also a spiritual magnet for the Peshwa rulers, especially Madhavrao I (1745–1772) who renovated and made additions to the temple structure..

Lord Ganesha as Chintamani is god who brings peace of mind and drives away all perplexities of the mind.

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