Sunday 12 July 2015

Shankaracharya Temple Srinagar
 Shankaracharya Temple, is situated on the top of the Shankaracharya hill and is one of the most revered Hindu temples in Srinagar. The ancient temple stands at a height of about 1100 feet above the level of the main Srinagar city. The temple dates back to 200 BC, although the present structure probably dates back to the 9th century AD. It was visited by Adi Shankara and has ever since been associated with him; this is how the temple got the name Shankaracharya. The Shiv ling was placed inside during the Sikh period in nineteenth century and it became an active Hindu temple.
 Shankaracharya temple, as it stands today, has undergone several renovations in its lifetime. The first of these is believed to have been done during the rule of Lalitaditya. Later, more repair work was done by Zain-ul-Abideen, after the temple got damaged in an earthquake.  Maharaja Gulab Singh, a Dogra ruler, is credited for the stone steps that form a part of the passage to the shrine.

The main surviving shrine of Shankaracharya Temple consists of a circular cell, providing a breathtaking view of the valley below. The inner chamber, after being renovated, is presently covered with a modern ceiling.

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